What are Wages?
Wages are defined very widely under section 27 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and include “any fee, bonus, commission, holiday pay or other emolument referable to the worker's employment, whether payable under their contract or otherwise”.
What is a Deduction?
There will be a deduction where the total wages paid on any occasion by an employer to a worker is less than the net amount of the wages properly payable on that occasion, unless it is attributable to an "error of computation”.
When is a deduction unlawful?
Subject to certain limited exceptions (for example, where the employer is recovering a previous overpayment of wages) a deduction will always be unlawful unless it is required or authorised under statute, it is required or authorised under the contract or the worker has given prior written consent to the deduction.
Why choose OWC?
We are very familiar with the relevant legislation and have helped a great number of employees recover wages owed to them. We can advise you whether you have a claim and the best way to achieve compensation.
Contact our Employment Law Solicitors in London, Surrey and Middlesex
For a free initial phone call to see if we can help you, please contact Jeremy Parkinson on 020 8890 2836, email jeremy.parkinson@owc.co.uk or you can contact us by filling out our online contact form.