Divorce Solicitors

divorce separation lawyers Owen White & Catlin Solicitors in London, Surrey and MiddlesexDivorce is a sad fact of life. At Owen White & Catlin, we recognise that no one takes the decision to divorce lightly. However, whether you feel that your marriage is at an end or your partner has made that decision, you need to have sensitive, experienced and straightforward advice to guide you through the options that are available to you.

Once you have made a decision, you also need to have clear advice as to the impact of the decision you’ve made, and have your case dealt with promptly with minimal emotional and financial costs. We try to avoid a battle if possible, especially where there are children involved, as we recognise that after court proceedings are over, both parties have to be able to communicate in the best interests of the children. While not always possible, this is an aim.

In relation to divorce, we can guide you through the process and the documentation necessary, and seek agreement to the petition before this is issued. We offer a fixed price for divorce so that you know exactly what the divorce will cost unless there is undue complication. The complications are if someone fails to acknowledge proceedings and then has to be served personally, etc., thereafter we can help you with the financial remedy proceedings and issues arising on your assets and affairs.

We have particular expertise and experience helping clients deal with the two major issues following the breakdown of a relationship: children and finances. We can help in relation to children and issues in respect of payments for them and parental arrangements orders. Our solicitors are also highly skilled in helping clients find solutions to financial matters, especially complex and high net worth cases involving property, pensions, investments and business interests. Please contact us to find out how we can help.


In relation to children, this very often becomes a crucial point of any relationship breakdown and it is important to have this dealt with in as sensitive a way as possible, while protecting the children’s and your own interests.

The court requires the parties to attend mediation to try and resolve issues concerning children out of court – we can assist with this. If, unfortunately, court proceedings become necessary because there is no agreement, we have a highly experienced team of lawyers dealing with matters relating to children such as:

  • which parent the children should live with;
  • contact with children;
  • parental responsibility; and
  • all other aspects that may impinge on your family life. 

Sometimes there may be a need to take proceedings promptly because of some urgency, for example a child not returning from abroad. No matter the complexity of your circumstances, we can help.

The court has changed the terminology in relation to issues concerning children, to re-emphasise that both parents have a responsibility and a right to be involved in children's welfare and upbringing, and unless there is cause for concern over one party's behaviour, this is in the best interest of the children.

Our lawyers are all members of Resolution and members of specialist panels, including the Law Society Advanced Family Panel and the Childcare Panel which recognise their expertise in these areas.

High Net Worth Divorce

Our Divorce Lawyers have developed a strong practice in representing clients in high net worth divorces. We work closely with highly skilled actuaries, accountants and financial advisers to provide accurate valuations and advise clients on complex and technical financial arrangements. Our advice covers all types of assets, including property and land, high value pensions, business interests and investments, whether situated in the UK or abroad. Our guidance is tailored to protect our clients’ interests, and aimed at preserving our clients’ wealth and family assets. We also offer a safety net during divorce proceedings that seeks to maintain liquidity. Whether you’re a high net worth individual or married to one, our Divorce Lawyers will work hard to protect your interests.

Always there when you need us

Clarity and guidance from expert solicitors

Contact our Divorce Solicitors in London, Surrey and Middlesex

Established in 1921, Owen White & Catlin have been providing Divorce and Family Law services throughout South West London, Surrey and Middlesex for many years. Our offices are staffed by teams of expert solicitors and support staff, making it easy for you to get in touch when you need us. Contact us using our online enquiry form, or call us directly on one of our office numbers – our friendly staff are ready to help.


Our solicitors will consider clients who are looking to fund their case through legal aid. A legal aid award for civil cases will be dependent on your financial position, the type of legal issue, and the strength of your case. If you are unsure if you are eligible for legal aid, or if you are worried about how to pay for legal advice or representation, speak to our team who will be able to help you with the application process and can advise you on our different options available to you. 


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